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Q: Which type of number is the additive inverse of 18?
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What is the additive inverse of eighteen?

The additive inverse of 18 is -18. The additive inverse of any number is the opposite of that number, such that the sum of the original number and the additive inverse is zero.

Which type of number is the additive inverse of -18?

It is a positive number. Specifically it is 18.

What is the additive inverse of 18?

The additive inverse is the sum of two numbers that will equal zero. The additive inverse of -18 is 18.

What is the additive inverse of 18 23-?

Find the additive inverse (opposite) of: 18/23

Which property is illustrated here 18 minus 18 equals 0?

The existence, for the number 18, of an additive inverse which is -18.

Find the sum of the opposite of -18 and its additive inverse?

The additive inverse of -18 is +18.Hence if you want to add them,Remember the additive inverse of a negative number will be its positive.Its simple, just remove the negativity symbol. So -5 additive inverse is +5.And for a positive number just put a negativity symbol in front of it. :D.Hence +10 will become -10.Remember the additive inverses always add up to give zero!!Therefore you can always use this way to find the answer of your question.Let the additive inverse of -18 be X.As the law states, they add up to 0-18 + X = 0X = 0- (-18)X = 0+18X = 18Coming to the next part of your question,the opposite of -18 is simply the additive inverse!!!Therefore its 18!!Hence18+18=36!Hope that helps buddy!!

What is the concept of the opposite of a number?

The opposite of a number is the number which produces the same result when the opposite or inverse operation is performed.For addition/subtraction, the opposite is the additive inverse or negative value.e.g. 3 - 2 = 1 and 3 + (-2) = 1For multiplication/division, division can be done by multiplication of the inverse value.examples:a) 4 divided by 2, 4 / 2 = 2 and the inverse is multiplication by one half : 4 x (1/2) = 2b) 6 divided by 2/3 is the same as 6 times the inverse, 6 x 3/2 = 18/2 = 9

What is the opposite of -(-36)?

The opposite of opposite is same, like or similar. A double negative leads to the original identity of the term. So the answer is same or identical.

Write the inverse of the statement. If you are over 18 then you can vote?

If you are under 18 you cannot vote.

What is a multiplicative inverses?

The multiplicative inverse for the number x is the number 1/x, such that their product is 1. The name for a multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal (opposite).The multiplicative inverse of a fraction is found by making the numerator the denominator and the denomination the numerator, such that the reciprocal of 3/4 would be 4/3. You are simply "flipping the fraction over."Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its inverse, or reciprocal.Example: 6 divided by 2/3 = 6 times 3/2 = 18/2 = 9so that are 9 two-thirds sections in 6 wholes.

What is the inverse operation needed to isolate m 18+m=8?


What is 13 percent and 18 percent combined?

31% or 2.34% depending on whether "combined" is additive or multiplicative.31% or 2.34% depending on whether "combined" is additive or multiplicative.31% or 2.34% depending on whether "combined" is additive or multiplicative.31% or 2.34% depending on whether "combined" is additive or multiplicative.