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p = principal ie amount invested;

r = annual rate of interest;

t = time in years.

interest receivable = (p x t x r)/100

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Q: Which variable in the simple interest equation you equals p r t represents the original amount of money borrowed or invested?
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What is principle amount?

The amount of a loan or investment that does not include interest. It's the amount borrowed, or the amount currently owed in a loan (including mortgages) and the amount invested (for investments.)

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What is a principle amount?

The amount of a loan or investment that does not include interest. It's the amount borrowed, or the amount currently owed in a loan (including mortgages) and the amount invested (for investments.)

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The noun 'interest' is a word for a desire to know or learn; a right, title, or legal share of something; a charge for borrowed money or the profit made on invested capital. Example: "I have great interest in meeting the needs of my family"

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The "principal" is the sum of money invested or borrowed, before interest or other revenue is added, or the remainder of that sum after payments have been made. In math, this applies to finance.