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Q: Which vascular structures has the greatest combined surfaces area?
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Related questions

What does non vascular?

non-vascular means having no tublike structures!

What does non vascular mean?

non-vascular means having no tublike structures!

What are the vascular structures in plants and animals?


What structures do vascular plants have for transporting sugar?

it is the phloem

What are the 2 general structures and the 2 transport structures of a vascular plant?


What structures do non vascular plants have?

Roots, seeds and true xylem and phloem elements are absent in non-vascular plants.

Why is vascular tissue so important to plant?

vascular tissue gives plants structures and sends the water and minerals to the top.

What kinds of plant have structures that move water and other substances?


Are bamboos vascular plants?

They are vascular because they have tube-like structures in them that carry nutrients through the plant. NON-vascular plants have no tube-like structures so they must be close to the ground. NON-vascular plants do not have roots, but instead have rhizoids. Edited answer: Because bamboo are tall terestrial plants belong to angiosperms

What structures do seedless vascular plants have that the seed ones don't have?


What kinds of plants have structures that move water other substances?


What would be a good sentence for the word vascular plant?

vascular plants have tube-like structures that carry the water from the roots to the leaves.