

Which virus causes poliomyelitis?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Polio virus causes poliomyelitis.

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Q: Which virus causes poliomyelitis?
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What type of infectious agent causes polio?

Polio is caused by the Poliomyelitis virus.

What type of organism causes polio?

Polio is a word that can mean one of two things, the virus or the disease The Polio disease which you are referring to is called poliomyelitis. The organism that causes it is a viral organism (virus). The name of the virus that causes poliomyelitis (polio disease) is called Poliovirus. The virus is a normal RNA virus from the Picornaviridae and genus enterovirus family.

What pathogens causes polio?

Type 1 is the most common of the 3 Polioviruses that causes the Polio disease.

Is poliomyelitis a virus or bacteria?

Poliomyelitis of as its commonly known "polio" is a virus

What is a poliomyelitis antigen?

Poliomyelitis antigen is a complex compound on the surface of the virus.

Which microorganism causes polio?

Polio is caused by a virus, the poliovirus. It belongs to the genus Enterovirus, which is a group of RNA viruses.

What is the name of the type 1 polio virus?

Poliomyelitis is the origanil name. polio is a viruse that is in the humman throught. and the first vaccine was introduced in 1955.

What are the causative agent for poliomyelitis?

The polio virus.

What is the name of the polio causing virus?

Poliovirus (Poliomyelitis) .

What is the general shape of viruses?

A virus can have one of two structures. These are: •Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus. •Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.

What organisms cause polio?

GAGE RIDIN his purple dinosaur BARNEY!!!!!!! =) GAGE RIDIN his purple dinosaur BARNEY!!!!!!! =)

What is the scientific name for polio virus?

The disease polio is more specifically poliomyelitis, an infection by the virus called, logically, poliovirus, a species of enterovirus.Another common name for polio in young children is infantile paralysis.