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Considering that this question is under the heading of germs and bacteria, i will attempt to answer it based on cross-contamination. For males it does not matter if they wipe from to back, visa versa, or left to right, or right to left after a bowel movement.

If you are female, the best method is to wipe from front to back after a bowel movement in order not to introduce candidiasis yeast from your GI tract into your vagina that may lead to candida infection.

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Q: Which way does your bladder and bowel empty right to left or left to right?
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On my left side it have me bending over it hurt so back this is my second day l started hurt yesterday all night l had gas real bad and acid reflux now I m trying clean my stomach out to see will that work

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Possibly. Sometimes, bowel conditions can be linked to problems with the legs if there is a spinal issue. A problem with the spine can cause pressure on the organs such as bowel and bladder. And an accompanying leg issue would have me question whether an MRI scan would be needed to rule in/out spinal problems. Speak to your doctor

What happens if a man does not fully empty his bladder?

Well no one can fully empty the bladder but if you keep going often and feel like there is always something left and that you have to go you should see a urologist. Now I don't know how old you are but the prostate can start growing which can be a early state of cancer, and then it starts wrapping itself around the urethra which can lead to symptoms like this. If not emptying (almost) completely so there is urine left, it can lead to bladder infection since the bacteria wont come out. I would see a doctor to be on the safe side if I were you and remember that if you are close to, or over, 50yo you should go twice a year to get the prostate examined.

In which abdominal quadrant are bowel sounds most active and easiest to auscultate?

Bowel sounds are MOST ACTIVE in the Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ) because to the right of the Umbilicus is the Ileocecal Valve and the point at which the Small Intestine connects to the Large Intestine. However, they can be heard in other quadrants too but the Right Lower Quadrant is where bowel sounds are most active.

What side is your bladder?

the left

How would a doctor listen for bowel sounds?

On the four quadrants of the abdominal wall.

Can holding in your urine cause an bladder infection?

Yes-- The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting long causes the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity which over a period of time can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder which may increase the risk of urinary tract infection or bladder infection.

How many pulmonary veins empty into the right atrium?

none. there are 4 pulmonary veins and they all empty into the left atrium, except in cases of congenital heart disease with anomalous pulmonary venous return to the right atrium.

Two Binary Trees are similar if they are both empty or if they are both non-empty and left and right sub trees are similar Write an algorithm to determine if two Binary Trees are similar?

/* Given two trees, return true if they are structurally identical. */ int sameTree(struct node* a, struct node* b) { // 1. both empty -> true if (a==NULL && b==NULL) return(true); // 2. both non-empty -> compare them else if (a!=NULL && b!=NULL) { return(sameTree(a->left, b->left) && sameTree(a->right, b->right) ); } // 3. one empty, one not -> false else return(false); }

Why is the Left side of paper not printing?

Im pretty sure theres an ink cartridge for each side. If I'm right then the left one is low or empty

In silver service waiting do you put down on the left and pick up from the right or do you put down on the right and pick up on the left?

depends if is plate service serve on the right and clear from the right if is platter serve then empty plate or soup bowl is put in front of the guest on the right and the food is served from the left side and clear from the right this is the basic answer