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assuming that the pipes are all the same length, then you can work it out as follows:

The pipes are cylindrical, and the volume of a cylinder is equal to pi multiplied by the square of it's radius multiplied by the length of the pipe - or:

v = πr2h

we can compare the two then by saying the volume of our two smaller pipes is:

v = πr12h + πr22h

r1 = 3 and r2 = 4, therefore

v = π32h + π42h

v = π9h + π16h

v = π25h

and then we can say that the volume of our biggest pipe is:

v = πr2h

r = 5, therefore

v = π52h

v = π25h

therefore, the two small pipes carry the same amount as the large pipe

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Q: Which will carry the most water two pipes one with a 3 Cm radius and the other with a 4 Cm radius or one pipe with a 5 Cm radius?
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Did Romans use aquaducts for protection?

No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.

Which will carry most water 2 small pipes with a radius of 2 and 3 inches or the larger single pipe with a radius of 5 inches?

To start, we will find the cross sectional area of the pipes. Pipe with radius of 2 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 12.56 inches2 Pipe with radius of 3 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 28.26 inches2 Pipe with radius of 5 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 78.5 inches2 As the cross sectional area of the pipe with a radius of 5 inches (78.5 inches2) is greater than the sum of the cross sectional areas of the pipes with radii of 2 inches and 3 inches (40.82 inches2), it can be concluded that the pipe with a radius of 5 inches will be able to carry the most water. (Assuming that all three pipes are the same length).

What is the volume of water in a hemisphere with given radius of hemisphere and height of water?

Can not be done without the 'Given' radius and height.

Why was lead used for water pipes?

Because lead is very durable and resists corrosion and has a smooth inner surface and can with stand higher pressures then other materials of the time as lead has various wall thicknesses depending on the actual working pressures Lead was used for water pipes because it is very durable and resists corrosion. Lead also has a very smooth surface, and is available in various thicknesses; allowing for the tolerance of higher water pressures than other material options.

How much water is lost in a day from burst pipes?

503 billion a year

Related questions

Did Romans use aquaducts for protection?

No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.No, aqueducts were used to carry water. They were big water pipes which carried water to wherever it was needed.

What causes scaling in pipes that transport water?

Usually dissolved calcium is the cause of scaling in pipes that carry water.

Which will carry most water 2 small pipes with a radius of 2 and 3 inches or the larger single pipe with a radius of 5 inches?

To start, we will find the cross sectional area of the pipes. Pipe with radius of 2 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 12.56 inches2 Pipe with radius of 3 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 28.26 inches2 Pipe with radius of 5 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 78.5 inches2 As the cross sectional area of the pipe with a radius of 5 inches (78.5 inches2) is greater than the sum of the cross sectional areas of the pipes with radii of 2 inches and 3 inches (40.82 inches2), it can be concluded that the pipe with a radius of 5 inches will be able to carry the most water. (Assuming that all three pipes are the same length).

Used to carry water over long?

Pipes and buckets.


To prevent using as potable water.

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If electricity is to wire what is pipes?

Pipes are to water what wires are to electricity. Pipes transport water from one place to another, similar to how wires carry electricity. Both pipes and wires are essential components of infrastructure for delivering utilities.

What is a waterpipe?

The term "waterpipe" is usually used when talking plumbing. It is a term that refers to a pipe that supplies fresh water to a water heater, water softener, faucet, etc. The term can also be applied to the large pipes that carry fresh water throughout a city underground. Pipes can be steel or copper. The term "waterpipe" is never used to refer to the pipes in a house that carry waste water. These would be sewer pipes.

How does a soil pipe and a waste pipe differ?

Soil pipes and waste pipes differ in their purpose and the type of waste they handle. A soil pipe is designed to carry human waste and toilet paper from toilets to the sewer system or septic tank. A waste pipe, on the other hand, is designed to carry other types of waste, such as water from sinks, showers, and washing machines. Waste pipes can also carry food waste and other debris from garbage disposals. Additionally, waste pipes are typically smaller in diameter than soil pipes.

Why do copper pipes carry hot water corrode faster than pipes that carry cold water?

Copper pipes carrying hot water can corrode faster due to the higher temperature accelerating the chemical reactions involved in corrosion. The heat can increase the rate of oxidation and other reactions that lead to the breakdown of the copper material. Additionally, the hot water can also increase the solubility of minerals in the water, which can further contribute to corrosion.

Do pipes carry less water than ditches and canals?

Pipes can carry more water than ditches and canals because they have a smoother interior surface which allows for higher flow rates. Additionally, pipes are more efficient in controlling the flow of water and reducing losses due to leakage and evaporation compared to ditches and canals.

Why did we use aquaducts?

We still use aqueducts. Aqueducts are water pipes. We use water pipes to carry water to a place such as a farm field, a house, a swimming pool. The ancient peoples used aqueducts for he same purposes.