A sesame comes before the word "open".
Negative numbers, possibly. And, by the way, there is no such word as "gazillion".
Not sure what the point of this question is. If you do a word search on the NIV or the King James Bible, the word 'but' comes up well over 1000 times.
"zillion" is not a real number. It is just a word invented to describe very large, unspecified numbers.
Nadir comes for the arabic nazir, meaning opposite. Nadir is the direction directly below a point. It is in a way the opposite to Zenith. The word is also used in the meaning of the lowest point.
The word "the" comes before the word "before" in the phrase "the calm before the storm."
The word that comes before "box" is "big," the word that comes after "time" is "management," and the word that comes after "liquid" is "form."
The word "photography" comes from the Greek words photoswhich means "light" and graphe' which means "drawing" or "writing," giving us "drawing with light."
Example: "My uncle is quite skillful when it comes to drawing."
Which word comes before wall piece and line?
The word "the" comes before "box," "time," and "liquid."
A sesame comes before the word "open".
The term "schematic" comes from the greek word "schema" which means "drawing".
"G" written on book but i don't know why..........
The word "gargantuan" comes after "garfish" in the dictionary.
The word curiosity comes after the word curious.
Another word for a drawing is a picture