There is not a specific word that is used to bold a number in a math equation. Generally, a number or letter is not bold in a math equation, if a letter is of significance, it is normally capitalized.
It is each TERM of the equation or expression
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
any number at all
They are used in place of an unknown number or value.
Possibly 0; as 0 is imperative as a placeholder for all numbers. However, it is extremely difficult to predict what number is the "most used" in (generalised?) "math".
It is each TERM of the equation or expression
Name a year. Math was used then.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
There is not a missing number from the number sequence. This is used in math.
It is a number, used in counting, used in math.
The name "line" is actually used in math.The name "line" is actually used in math.The name "line" is actually used in math.The name "line" is actually used in math.
any number at all
They are used for math number's like 0.45
They are used in place of an unknown number or value.
number used most often
It is a number and you can use it in equations.