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jitamitra malla

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Q: Who built the 55 windows place of bhaktapur?
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Has 5 in both the tens place and the ones place?

The number 55 does.

How do you round to the tens place?

to round to the tens place it just like this say 55 the tens place looks to the right and if its 5 or up it goes one number higher and the rest become zeros so 55 turns into 60

What place is 55 45' N 37 37' E?

Moscow, Russia

How many handshakes will take place if 11 people shake hands with one anther?

55 PeopleHandshakes10213346510615721828936104511551266

How do you write babylonian numbers in standard numerals?

The Babylonians used sexagesimal (base 60) numbers. Thus to convert them to standard numbers: 1. Add up the wedges in each place value to a number in the range 0-59; the usual way to write the numbers is separated by colons, eg 17 : 34 : 55 2. Each place value is 60 times the one to its right. Thus, the easiest way to proceed now is to start at the left hand end place value and a result of zero: 2.1 multiply the result so far by 60 2.2 add the current place value 2.3 if there is a place value to the right, move to it and repeat from step 2.1 2.4 the result is now the Babylonian number in decimal. eg having converted wedges into 17 : 34 : 55 result = 0 starting with left hand place value: result = 0 × 60 = 0 + 17 = 17 move to next place value right (34) result = 17 × 60 + 34 = 1054 move to next place value right (55) result = 1054 × 60 + 55 = 63295 no more place values to the right, so 17 : 34 : 55 in decimal is 63295. You may notice that 17:34:55 looks like 17 hours (5pm) 34 minutes 55 seconds - ie a time which is not surprising as we use Babylonian numbers to tell the time! And the decimal version (63295) is the number of seconds since midnight of the time 17:34:55.

Related questions

Who built 55 windows palace of Bhaktapur?

Built by Jitamitra malla the former king

How many years since Disneyland was built?

Its 2010 and Disneyland was built in 1955. So its been 55 years.

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I'm unsure of the value but your rifle was built in 1898, i also own an 1894 in 38-55 and mine was built in 1894

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Your windows calculator could have saved you asking the question !... 11532015

Has 5 in both the tens place and the ones place?

The number 55 does.

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How many Curtis roadsters were built and what was the name of the builder?

It is called the Kurtis Roadster, not Curtis. The cars were conceived by Jim Travers, and built by Frank Kurtis. They were built from 1952-55. I do not know how many were built.

Where is the ford focus zetec fuse for the electric front windows?

Fuse # 55- 25 amp.

What was the first permanent theater in Rome?

The theater of Pompey and was built in 55 BC

What percent if 5 out of 55?

It is: 5/55 times 100 = 9.1% rounded to one decimal place

What is the coldest place in Germany?

The coldest place in Germany is: Funtensee. 6.1.09 -55° C.