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Q: Who Have the student write the answer to the essential question and draw examples to explain their answer?
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Potential is the only reason why. If the student cares for the school and wants great marks, then it is pointless to expell him/her. However, if the student is carefree and unwilling to learn from previous mistakes, then why not talk to the parents and explain the situation. If you ask me, this question is more opinion based.

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Explain to those who question the grades that the material was difficult and that you tried your best. As long as you did the work required of you and gave it your best effort, your a great student.

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the real question is... is that student happy were they are? & is an IQ of 140 important to that student ... maybe that question should be put to the student.

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All of the ones i have written

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as a student whos most assignment are throuth research and from the disadvantage community i request your assistance.