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Madame Du Châtelet wrote Institutions of Physics.

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Q: Who Wrote Institutions of Physics a book explaining Leibniz' theory on integral calculus and translated into French and commented on Newton's theory of differential calculus?
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How many syllables are in commented?

There are three syllables. Com-ment-ed.

What storys are the in the holy Bible?

There are MANY, MANY, MANY stories in the Bible; the Bible itself is the story of mankind! In fact, just of Jesus alone, on of the Gospels had commented that if ALL the miracles that Jesus had done were recorded, the books would fill the entire world!

Convert a fraction to a decimal number?

If you divide the numerator by the denominator, you will get the number as a decimal. Cherry.girl: In other words, If you have 1/2, grab a calculator and divide 1 by 2. You should get .5 for 1/2. Then that's it! ~Cherry.girl** commented Toni best if you don't have a calculator in reach 1/2 is equivalent =0.5

If the mass of an object is 3.3 kilograms what is its weight?

At the surface of the earth, the weight of a mass of 3.3 kilograms is 32.34 Newtons (7.28 pounds).(rounded)-------------------------------------------------------------Another contributor added:It is 3.3kg... which is caused by it's density, volume and gravitation.-------------------------------------------------------------Another contributor commented:3.3 kg is not a weightdensity doesn't cause weightvolume doesn't cause weight

How is ratio and proportion applicable in real life?

I use them all the time. Less than five minutes age I commented that lines of longitude are as parallel as the earth is flat. Every time you hear the word "per", you are hearing a ratio (55 miles per hour, 2 inches of snow per hour, $10 per person, etc.).

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Is there a constitution in Brazil?

Yes Brazil Constitution: translated, updated and commented see below for webb link for additional information.

What is past tense of comment?

The past tense of "comment" is "commented."

How do you use commented in a sentence?

You can use the word "commented" in a sentence like, "She commented on the beautiful scenery during our walk." In this sentence, "commented" indicates that she made a remark or observation about the scenery.

What is the past tense of comment?

The past tense of "comment" is "commented."

What is one word for commented negatively?


How do you spell commented?

Commentating is the correct spelling.

How do you spell the word commentted?

The correct spelling is commented (past tense of the verb to comment).

Which word most fits the meaning of commented?

of Comment

Someone jusy commented ptg on my photo and tagged a guy whats that mean?

If someone just commented ptg on your photo and tagged a guy, it means the person has liked your photo.

What is the past participle of comment?

Commented is the past participle of comment.

Who did John Madden comment for?

John Madden first commented for CBS

What are antonyms for the word said?

Announced, proclaimed, commented, spoke, mentioned,