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Q: Who are more to be pitied the one who dies or the one who's left behind?
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When every last one of that species dies and there is no more left to breed

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The more you take thre more you leave behind i know as a riddle and the answer is footsteps.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "key code for left behind eternal forces." Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

What is left behind on fields after a flood?

I think it is silt. it helps the soil. it makes it more fertile.

No Child Left Behind is an example of education policy:?

becoming more controlled by the federal government

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No, the pancreas is not located behind the liver. It is more accurately located behind the stomach in the upper left quadrant of the body.

The more you make the more you leave behind?

Well obviously if you make something it has to be left somewhere. If you make rubbish it gets left behind at a rubbish dump, or where every you are. It is used to tell people how the more rubbish and damage they make, the more damage you leave the environment with. I'm sure that's not the original meaning of it but it is commonly used.

What was not an element of the no child left behind act?

A lot of things were not an element of the NCLB. You'll have to be more specific with the question.

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When a solution is heated, the solvent usually evaporates, leaving behind the solute in a more concentrated form. This process is known as evaporation or drying.

When does an endangered animal becomes extinct?

when the last one of boy or girl is dead, they cannot reproduce

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They wanted a husband and a new life. In the west there would be more food ( corn, wheat. ect)

How does a butterfly protect its baby?

It doesn't. Butterflies lay eggs and travel on to lay more eggs. They have no awareness of a little one left behind.