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Q: Who are the permanent members of the United Nations?
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What part of the un has 5 permanent members?

The United Nations Security Council has 5 permanent members... the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russian Federation, and China

Who are the permenent members of the United Nations?

Any sovereign country can be a permanent member of the United Nations UN. However, not all countries can be permanent members of the UN security council.

Is India a permanent Member country of the United Nations Security Council?

There are only 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and they are France, China, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States.

Who are the five permanent member of the security council?

The membership changes from year to year, but there are 5 permanent members: china,united states, united kingdoms, russia and France. 10 more nations are chosen as non-permanent members - serving 2 years at a time. In 2012, the membership was:PermanentPeople's Republic of ChinaFranceRussian FederationUnited KingdomUnited States of America

What five nations were made permanent members of the US in 1945?

The five Permanent members of the UN Security Council: United States, United Kingdom, France, Soviet Union & China

What is a description of the Security Council of the United Nations?

The Security Council has elected and permanent members.

Does Portugal want expansion in the United Nations Security Council?

There are only 5 permanent members. Portugal has been one of the 10 non-permanent members.

How many members of UNO?

5 countries are permanent members of the United Nations: China France Russia United Kingdom United States

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why do we have permanent members of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL

5 p m of the UNSC?

5 Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council

How many members does the United Nations currently have?

There are currently 193 members in the United Nations.

What do the members of United Nations have common?

They are internationally recognized nations.