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Q: Who can detect small movement through 5 cm of Earth?
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How does a bearded dragon detect prey?

By eyesight. Their primary diet is small insects - the detect the movement of insects that get close enough for them to catch.

The movement of gas through a small hole into an area of lower pressure is?

The movement of gas through a small hole into an area of lower pressure is diffusion.

An astronaut inside a small space ship orbiting around the earth cannot detect gravity.If the space station orbiting around the earth has a large size can he hope to detect gravity?

If the size of the space station is large enough, then the astronaut will detect the change in Earth's gravity (g).

Why do flies have hairs?

Flies have hairs on their bodies that help them with various functions like sensing their environment, detecting predators, and locating food sources. The hairs also aid in maintaining balance during flight and can play a role in thermoregulation.

What is the movement of the earth in a month?

The movement of the Earth in a month is actually a small portion of its orbit around the sun. One month on Earth is 1/12 of the Earth's orbit around the sun.

How do cockroaches escape predators?

roaches have small hair around they're body so even the slightest of air or movement they can detect it

What is an earthquake if yiu were to explain to a child?

Consider earth as a ball with molten magma inside. The solid part or earth crust is very thin. Small motion of these molten magma could easily break through the ground that is volcano. Human is very small compare to earth, only small shake from this rupture or movement on earth is largely effect to us. The shake due to rupture of volcano or movement of magma inside earth is to us the Earthquake.

What is A device that bounces laser beams off a reflector to detect fault movement is?

A device that bounces laser beams off a reflector to detect fault movements is called a Laser-ranging device

Laser ranging devices can detect even tiny movement of the crust along?

Yes, laser ranging devices are highly sensitive instruments that can detect small movements in the Earth's crust. By measuring changes in distance with high precision, these devices can detect even subtle ground deformations caused by tectonic activities or other geological processes. This capability makes laser ranging valuable for monitoring and studying seismic events and crustal movements.

The movement of gas through a small hole into an area of lower pressure is called?


As energy moves in the waves through the water the water moves?

in small circular movement

An astrounaut inside a small space ship orbiting around the earth cannot detect gravity.Can a space station of much bigger size than the space ship hope to detect gravity?

The chances are pretty low because it doesn't matter on the size to detect gravity.