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Q: Who can eat the most burgers in under 3 minutes?
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Do people eat pork burgers?

The most common meat for burgers is beef, but somewhere, someplace there's bound to be someone making pork burgers.

How do you read diary and wimpy kid cabin fever i fife minutes?

eat 6 burgers and its done walla!

Who is the man to eat the most burgers in one sitting?

Fats McGee. He ate 384 burgers in the course of an hour, a feat unacheivable by lesser mortals.

How do i eat burgers?

your mouth

Do Americans eat big burgers?

yes, up to 18oz! Yes they eat burgers bigger than an apple.

What does Alicia Keys eat?

she likes to eat burgers

What do people in Serbia eat?

they will have burgers

How many burgers can a fat declan eat?

A fat declan called Declan Kirkham can eat 50 millon burgers in a minute

Do girls eat boogers?

I think you have spelled it wrong, its spelt BURGERS, and yes girls eat BURGERS. But some also do eat boogers.

Why is it bad to eat burgers?

Eating too much burgers can make you gain weight and get obese.

What food did they have in the US?

they eat burgers and fries

What happens to burgers when you eat them?

They are gone into my stomach...:)