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Q: Who can use the Texas farm use tax law?
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Is a ATV legal for farm use in Texas?

yes it is as long as it is your farm and you can prove its your land

What is Texas law regarding cocaine use?

It is illegal everywhere

Do you have to pay sales tax on the pruchase of fire extinguishers for use in a business in Texas?

SALES TAX IN NYC- Are fire extinquishers taxable

What is the sales tax on Texas?

The Texas state sales and use tax rate is 6.25%, but local taxing jurisdictions (cities, counties, special purpose districts, and transit authorities) may also impose sales and use tax up to 2% for a total maximum combined rate of 8.25%.

Texas residents-who do you use for your auto insurance company?

It depends on where you live in Texas. In Plano, I use the State Farm office at 3600 Preston Road for my auto insurance. The office number is 972.867.0090.

What has the author Richard E Nielsen written?

Richard E. Nielsen has written: 'California sales and use tax answer book' -- subject(s): Miscellanea, Law and legislation, Use tax, Sales tax

What sales tax would you use if you bought a car in Maryland but live in Texas?

6.25% if titled in TX

What is the sales tax of Texas?

The state sales tax in Texas is 6.25%. Cities, counties, transit authorities and other "public" authorities may may impose sales and use taxes up to 2% in addition to the state tax, capping the total combined sales tax at 8.25% for any location within the state.

Income tax on income from poultry farm?

Go to the web site and use the search box for Publication 225 (2009), Farmer's Tax GuideClick on the below Related Link

How do you determine the tax on a piano brought from Mexico to US crossing the border in Laredo Texas?

Perhaps you mean US customs fee? Or your own State Use tax?

Is it legal to remove the catalytic converter on a 1985 ford F-150 if it has farm tags in the state of Texas?

It will not be legal for on road use.