

Who conquered Ionia in 546 BC?

Updated: 10/26/2023
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Q: Who conquered Ionia in 546 BC?
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The Greek cities in Ionia, which is present day Turkey, were conquered in the 6th century BC and later fell into Athenian domination until it was conquered by the Persians again in the 4th century BC. It became part of the Roman empire later in the 2nd century BC.

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The Greco-Persian Wars last from 499 BC to 449 BC. These wars were the result of the 547 BC conquering of Ionia.

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The Ionians (The city-states of Ionia.) revolted , 499 BC to 449 BC , against the Persians .

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Cyrus II of Persia conquers Lydia.

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Cyrus II (the Great) defeated Croesus (rich as) king of Lydia in 546 BCE.

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Where is the Ionia Community Library in Ionia located?

The address of the Ionia Community Library is: 101 W Iowa St, Ionia, 50645 0130

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