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Q: Who did the is a series of dots and lines to represent numbers and letters using a telegraph?
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How does the electric telegraph?

A telegraph works by sending a series of electric pulses through a long wire, to another telegraph device which then interprets the pulses into a series of clicking sounds. Depending on how long the lengths of the clicks are, there is an "alphabet" called Morse Code that the person on the other side of the telegraph can use to understand. The telegraph system was the first step to the development of the telephone. <><><> The old fashioned telegraph system used lines similar to telephone lines but did not use speech. It was used to send messages from one place to another by using electrical on/off signals, similar to the dots and dashes used in the Morse Code. A person who wanted to send a telegraph message would have to write it clearly - using block letters and numbers - onto a piece of paper called a "Telegraph Transmission Form" and had to take it by hand to a "Telegraph Office". A person called a "Telegraph Operator" then had to read the form and tap-in each of the letters and numbers into a machine called a "Telegraph Machine". The signals made letters and numbers appear on a similar machine at a "Telegraph Office" in the town where the person lived who was to receive the message. The machine at the "receiving station" actually printed out the letters and numbers onto a strip of paper just as they were sent out from the keyboard of the "transmitting station". The strips of paper were then pasted onto another sheet of paper, called a "Telegraph Reception Form" and that was hand-delivered to the person it was addressed-to. <><><> If you mean a telex machine, it has a keyboard like a typewriter and also has a printer . If you know someone you want to send a message to has a similar telex machine, you can set up a telex call to their number, just like a telephone call but with no speech. Then you can type in your message and the the telex machine at the other end of the line will print it out.

What puntuncation is used to enclose numbers or letters in a series?


Why was Morse code developed?

Samuel Morse was a co-developer of the telegraph system. In its infancy, the telegraph was limited to electric and/or electro-magnetic impulses: clicks, so to speak. The Morse Code was developed to enable the transmission of letters and numbers via these impulses, in a series of 'dots' and 'dashes', which were originally recorded as such on a moving paper tape. Operators soon learned to interpret the clicks without looking at the tape.

What is an acyrnom?

An acrynom is a series of letters used to represent a business, organzation, or phrase. Such as the common, 'lol', the lol is the acrynom for, laugh out loud. An acrynom is a series of letters used to represent a business, organzation, or phrase. Such as the common, 'lol', the lol is the acrynom for, laugh out loud.

How do you use the Samuel Morse telegraph?

The telegraph uses a "telegraph key" to send the Morse code. The code is a series of dots and dashes that is used in specific combinations to represent letters of the alphabet. When the telegraph key is closed, a transmitter that it is connected to it sends out a CW (continuous wave) of the frequency that the transmitter is tuned to. The letters are formed by the length of time that the transmitter key is held down. For example the letter A ( . _ ) , it is a dot and a dash, the key is held down for a short specific time for the dot and the dash is formed by holding the key down for twice as long as the dot. An average telegrapher can read 15 words a minute, this is 15 words x 5 letters per word = 75 letters a minute. Good telegraphers can double this speed up to 30 words a minute.

What is fmgxfgndbxvbcdgbzdczdfkjzsmfbsdfbkhgk?

fmgxfgndbxvbcdgbzdczdfkjzsmfbsdfbkhgk is a series of letters that can not really be understood by a normal human. These series of numbers are often created by strange people that have nothing better to do than smack random letters/numbers into their keyboard.

Where the feature byte and build id on a PC?

The byte is a series of letters and numbers that is on a black stocker on the bottom of the computer. The build ID is a short series of letters and numbers that is also located on a stocker on the bottom of the computer. It will say BID.

Where is the feature byte and build id on a PC?

The byte is a series of letters and numbers that is on a black stocker on the bottom of the computer. The build ID is a short series of letters and numbers that is also located on a stocker on the bottom of the computer. It will say BID.

What punctuation is used to enclose numbers or letters in a series?

A pair of parentheses is used to "enclose" numbers or letters in a series or elsewhere when enclosure is useful to understand the meaning. However, to separate the items in a series, only a comma and space after each item is needed, along with a conjunction to close the series. Examples: 1, 1, 2, and 3 are the first four numbers of a Fibonacci series; paragraphs (A), (B)(2), and (D) are the most relevant ones for this discussion.

How do you use an electric telegraph?

A telegraph works by sending a series of electric pulses through a long wire, to another telegraph device which then interprets the pulses into a series of clicking sounds. Depending on how long the lengths of the clicks are, there is an "alphabet" called Morse code that the person on the other side of the telegraph can use to understand. The telegraph system was the first step to the development of the telephone. <><><> The old fashioned telegraph system used lines similar to telephone lines but did not use speech. It was used to send messages from one place to another by using electrical on/off signals, similar to the dots and dashes used in the Morse Code. A person who wanted to send a telegraph message would have to write it clearly - using block letters and numbers - onto a piece of paper called a "Telegraph Transmission Form" and had to take it by hand to a "Telegraph Office". A person called a "Telegraph Operator" then had to read the form and tap-in each of the letters and numbers into a machine called a "Telegraph Machine". The signals made letters and numbers appear on a similar machine at a "Telegraph Office" in the town where the person lived who was to receive the message. The machine at the "receiving station" actually printed out the letters and numbers onto a strip of paper just as they were sent out from the keyboard of the "transmitting station". The strips of paper were then pasted onto another sheet of paper, called a "Telegraph Reception Form" and that was hand-delivered to the person it was addressed-to. <><><> If you mean a telex machine, it has a keyboard like a typewriter and also has a printer . If you know someone you want to send a message to has a similar telex machine, you can set up a telex call to their number, just like a telephone call but with no speech. Then you can type in your message and the the telex machine at the other end of the line will print it out.