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Q: Who disapeared in the burmuta triangle?
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Is the burmuta triangle fake?

No,the Bermuda triangle is real.Lots of airplanes,boats,and submarines have been sucked down in the ocean.

Did they figure out why those ships disapeared in the Bermuda triangle?

They did not, there are many theories, but there is not a solid answer based on facts.

How wasChristopher Columbus important to the world?

Yes he was the one that said the Earth was round, and first recorded instrument errors in the burmuta triangle. He also was the first recorded visit to America.

How many burmuta triangles are there?

Four or one in the world

Does the time warp has any connection with the Bermuda triangle?

Yes it is one of the theories behind the Bermuda triangle. Because so many explorers disapeared in there people thought there may be time portals/warps that caught them and spat them out in some other universe or time.

What is interglaciation?

It is the time when glaciers disapeared from the land before reforming.

How do you spell disapeared?


What was unusual about the Greek god pan?

He disapeared

What happened to captain James Cooks boat?

it disapeared -_-

Who was Amelia Earheart's navigator when she disapeared?

Her navigator was Fred Noonan.

What became Raleighs first and second attempt to colonize?

It disapeared

What is the name of the first colony that disapeared?

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island.