It was discovered first by a Persian Mathematician named Al-Karaji, then followed by numerous other people from places such as China.
Pascal's triangle
Blaise Pascal.
Pascal didn't invent pascals triangle, he just made It popular. A Chinese mathematician invented it in about 1015.
The Chinese came up with it many many years before Pascal did.
Omar Khayyam discovered Pascal's triangle.
Pascal's triangle
blaise pascal didn't discover Pascal's Triangle the Persians and Chinese discovered it.
Blaise Pascal.
Pascal didn't invent pascals triangle, he just made It popular. A Chinese mathematician invented it in about 1015.
The Chinese came up with it many many years before Pascal did.
Fibonacci lived about 400 years before Pascal did.
The expanded binomial is another name for Pascal's triangle.
Blaise Pascal invented the first calculator and Pascals triangle.
Blaise Pascal.
He read about it. The idea existed long before Pascal Pierre Raymond de Montmort, just named it after Pascal after Pascal used it to solve problems of probability theory.