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Q: Who discovered congruene of triangles?
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Who discovered congruence of triangles?

Pascal (both the Persians and the Chinese) discovered the congruence of traingle during the eleventh century

Who was a mathematician that discovered a theory in math?

It was Pythagoras and his theorem about right angle triangles.

Who discovered special right triangles?

The Babylonians and Indians were the first to study the angles and features of special right triangles. This occurred long before Pythagoras and his followers were credited with the discovery.

In which country did the ancient mathematician Pythagoras discover the well known theorem about right angled triangles?

He discovered it in Greece.

When was the triangle discovered?

The concept of triangles and their properties has been studied for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks having knowledge of triangles. The specific discovery of the mathematical properties of triangles is harder to pinpoint, as it has evolved over time through contributions from various mathematicians.

How was trigonometry discovered?

Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematicians lacked the concept of an angle measure, but they studied the ratios of the sides of similar triangles and discovered some properties of these ratios. The ancient Nubians used a similar methodology.

Are some isosceles triangles equilateral triangles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

Why is it that only quadrilaterals triangles and hexagons can tessellate the plane?

There can be no answer because the assertion is not true. There are 15 types of convex pentagons - the last discovered in 2015 - which will tessellate.

Who discovered ratios?

the golden ratio hasn't relation to statistic ! it is statement about rectangular triangles with edges 3,4,5 that named by Pythagoras Greek mathematician B.C.