Since it did not exist before it was invented, nobody discovered it.
Greater than > Lesser than <
The greater than sign is ">" and the less than sign is "<"
-8 is greater than -10
Greater than > Lesser than <
The greater than sign is > and the less than sign is < To help remember which is which, think about which end of the sign is greater in size - the number at that end is the greater number (and the number at the other end number lesser number).
No. The greater the numerical value after the negative sign, the lesser the value of the negative number.
0.20 is greater than 0.06
a tonne is greater than a kilo.
0.277 is greater than 0.27
> is the sign for greater than.< is the sign for less than.
The greater than or equal to sign is "≥".
The greater of two numbers is 7 more than the lesser Three times the greater number is 5 more than 4 times the lesser number Find the numbers?
Less than sign is < Greater than sign is >