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Q: Who discovered that electrons can jump from a path from 1 level to a path in another level?
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Who found that electrons can jump from a path in one level to a path in another level?


Who said Some electrons can jump from one level to another?

Niels Bohr introduced the idea that electrons can jump from one energy level to another in his model of the atom, known as the Bohr model. This concept was a key development in understanding atomic structure and the behavior of electrons in atoms.

What condition can an electron in a given orbit jump to another from the nucleus?

Electrons don't jump from the nucleus, because there are no electrons in the nucleus. They DO jump, or can jump from one orbit to another. If it jumps to a higher orbit, then energy must be added, and if it jumps, or falls to a lower orbit, energy is released.

What cause electrons to jump from one object to another?

This is the electrostatic attraction.

When electrons jump from one object to another what is it called?

When electrons jump from one object to another, it is called static electricity. This transfer of electrons can result in an imbalance of charge between the objects, leading to the attraction or repulsion of the objects due to the electrostatic force.

What do we see when electrons jump?

When electrons jump to a higher energy level in an atom, they absorb energy. When they fall back down to their original energy level, they release energy in the form of light, creating an emission spectrum. This is what we see as distinct colored lines in a spectroscope.

Why are stairs used as to just jump up to another level?

you could be injured

What is it called when electrons jump to higher energy level?

This process is called excitation, where electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels within an atom.

When do electrons build up and suddenly jump from one object from another?

i don't know i asked that question

Why do electrons jump when heated?

When electrons are heated, they gain energy and move to higher energy levels within the atom. As they return to lower energy levels, they release this extra energy in the form of light. This process is known as thermal emission and is responsible for electrons "jumping" when heated.

What do electrons need to jump levels?

Electrons jump energy levels when they absorb or emit a photon of specific energy that matches the energy difference between the levels. This process is governed by the principles of quantum mechanics.

What happens to an atom when it loses an electon?

they jump to a higher energy level