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The real numbers are made up of:

- natural numbers

- zero

- negative integers

- fractions (rational numbers)

- algebraic irrationals - like the square root of 2

- transcendental numbers - like pi

It's likely that natural numbers - counting numbers - were known before recorded history. The more unusual kinds of real numbers were gradually understood as mathematics developed. You can't say that any particular person "discovered" the real numbers.

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Q: Who discovered the real numbers?
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Who discovered real numbers?

Real numbers are not a single discovery, made at a certain moment by a single person. Check the Wikipedia article on "Real numbers", section "History", for some of the key events related to real numbers.

Which civilization discovered negative numbers?

Negative numbers do not show up much in the real world unless someone is trying to figure out a problem. The numbers were first discovered by the Indian civilization.

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The concept of real numbers was not invented or discovered by any one person or country. Rather, the concept was improved gradually, over the course of several centuries.

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Who were the mathematicians who contributed to the discovery of real numbers?

It has been known from very ancient times that the length of the diagonal of a unit square is not a rational number. There were no specific mathematicians who "discovered" real numbers. Furthermore, all mathematicians of any significance, contributed to our understanding of real numbers.

How does the numbers discovered?

They were discovered by scientists

Who created the number 2?

God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.

Are natural numbers real numbers?

Yes, all natural numbers are real numbers. Natural numbers are a subset of real numbers, so not all real numbers are natural numbers.

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All rational numbers are real numbers.

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1 was discovered by baskaracharya

Why was complex numbers discovered?

They were discovered when Cardano solved the third degree equation. In the formulas that arose to solve the third degree equation, Cardano needed to take the square root of negative numbers and add them up in a certain way. The strange thing that happened was that the formulas used these complex numbers, even if the solutions to the equation where all real. This baffled the mathematicians of the time, because how could these strange numbers turn out to be "real"? Later this was considered totally correct, when the field of complex numbers was better undestood.

Who is the inventor of prime numbers?

Mathematics, including prime numbers, is discovered, not invented.Systems and methods we use are invented, but concepts of relationships between objects governed by logic, such as the prime numbers are discovered and named. As such, a more appropriate question might be "Who discovered prime numbers?"Many have discovered prime numbers; the first is unknown to mankind.