It is 100, which does not belong to any other number!
The phone number belong to my friend Michael,
It is a prime number
One reason the number 89 does not belong is because it is a prime number and the other numbers are not.
4 doesn't belong because it's an even number.
48 does not belong. The pattern is (times 2) then (plus 3). The last number should be 58.
Country code +880 is Bangladesh, and +880 19 is a Banglalink mobile.
x + 9 = 26Only one lonely number belongs to the group of solutions of this equation.The number is 17.
It is 100, which does not belong to any other number!
The phone number belong to my friend Michael,
It is a prime number
Country code +1 is North America (USA, Canada, etc.), and +1 604 is in or near Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
If the series is plus one, times two, plus one, times two, etc., the 8 does not belong.
One reason the number 89 does not belong is because it is a prime number and the other numbers are not.
4 doesn't belong because it's an even number.
It is a rational number and a real number. a positive number.