I would leave it exactly as it is.
If you estimate well, you get exactly 291.
I would say exactly 50!
Exactly nine!
Exactly as in the question: 1.351 billion.
Randstad Holding was created in 1960.
Randstad Education was created in 1993.
Randstad Education's population is 170.
Randstad Holding is a global human resources consulting firm that provides services in a wide range of industries. They do not have a population as they are a company, not a geographical location.
Ma Foi Randstad India was created in 1992.
You can find out about employment opportunities at Randstad at Jobs Online, Local Jobster, Jobs Radar, Jobrapido and also the Randstad websites. You can check with government job services as well.
Some cities located in the Randstad conurbation include Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht in the Netherlands.
http:/www.randstad.co.uk Help people to look for jobs
U r stupid