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Allen Jebra

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Q: Who found the principle of algebra?
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What is a principle in algebra?

The principle is to work out the number that answers the sum.

Who found number 0?

An Arab that is called by his last name Algebra, also made Algebra

What country is known to have found algebra?


How do you understand algebra in the quickest way?

The basic principle of algebra is the equal sign. Whatever you do to one side you must do to the other. Try to rearrange the terms in such a way that you isolate or solve the variable.

How do you find learning Algebra?

I found it very enjoyable.

What is the answer to page 69 in punchline bridge to algebra worksheet?

The answer to page 69 in Punchline Bridge to Algebra worksheet is to the tossed and found.

How algebra started?

The history of algebra can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Babylonians. The term algebra is first found in a book written by Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi.

Who found algebra?

There can be no person who is singlehandedly responsible for the founding of alerbra. This is because algebra is a classification of a certain type of math. Therefor there is a vast amount of people who contributed to the upbringing of algebra.

Principal pigment found in plants?

Chlorophyll is the principle pigment found in plants.

Math were did it come from?

they found written math from the egyptians and babylonians algebra came from the Muslims

What is the Principle is based on the fossils found in the different layers of sediment formations?

The principle is known as the Law of Superposition. It states that in undisturbed layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest rocks are found at the bottom and the youngest rocks are found at the top. This principle helps geologists determine the relative ages of rock layers and the fossils they contain.

How can you define algebra?

Algebra is a part of mathematics in which unknown quantities are found with the help of relations between the known and the unknown Look in a dictionary for better definition Maths Dictionary can be purchased in