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Q: Who has greater surface area a sugar cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals-explain?
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Does a sugar cube have a greater surface area than sugar crystals?

depends on the two objects!

Which has greater surface area a sugar cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals?

Consider this:If a cube has side length d, then its volume is d3 and its surface area is 6d2.If I cut the cube into 8 smaller cubes by bisecting each edge, then the new side length is d/2, the sum of the volume is 8 * ((d/2)3) = d3, and the surface area is 8 * (6(d/2)2) = 12d2.Therefore, even though the volume stayed constant, the sum of the surface area increased when I cut a larger cube into small cubes. The increase in surface area will be larger and larger as the cube is cut into smaller and smaller pieces. Therefore a sugar cube always has less surface area than an equal mass of sugar crystals.Granulated sugar has more surface area than a sugar cube.

What is the index of refraction of sugar?

Crystaline sugar (sucrose) has a refractive index of around 1.56. Sugar solutions can have refractive indices greater than this. Note, that the refractive index of a substance can even be determined for opaque substances. This is because the RI also determines reflective properties. So by measuring the amount of light reflected by light shining on a polished sample at a given angle, a refractive index can in principle be obtained.

How do you make praline plane?

To make praline, you will need equal parts of sugar and nuts (such as almonds or pecans). Start by heating the sugar in a saucepan until it melts and turns golden brown. Add the nuts to the pan and stir until they are evenly coated in the caramelized sugar. Pour the mixture onto a lined baking sheet and let it cool and harden before breaking it into pieces.

Is sugar a count noun?

The noun sugar is an uncountable noun as a word for a substance (a syrup or granular substance). Units of sugar are expressed as a pound of sugar, a cup of sugar, a bag of sugar, etc.The noun sugar is a count noun as a word for 'types of' or 'kinds of' sugar, for example, The sugars we use are cane, corn, and honey.

Related questions

Does a sugar cube have a greater surface area than sugar crystals?

depends on the two objects!

Which would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single sugar cube or an equal mass of sugar and crystals?

The sugar cube would react more slowly compared to the sugar crystals, as it has a lower surface area available for the reaction to occur. The sugar crystals provide more surface area for the reactants to come into contact and react, leading to a faster reaction rate.

Which has greater surface area a sugar cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals?

Consider this:If a cube has side length d, then its volume is d3 and its surface area is 6d2.If I cut the cube into 8 smaller cubes by bisecting each edge, then the new side length is d/2, the sum of the volume is 8 * ((d/2)3) = d3, and the surface area is 8 * (6(d/2)2) = 12d2.Therefore, even though the volume stayed constant, the sum of the surface area increased when I cut a larger cube into small cubes. The increase in surface area will be larger and larger as the cube is cut into smaller and smaller pieces. Therefore a sugar cube always has less surface area than an equal mass of sugar crystals.Granulated sugar has more surface area than a sugar cube.

Which would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals?

In a chemical reaction it is likely that a single cube will react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals. This is due to the fact that the surface area of a single cube is much smaller than the total surface area of the sugar crystals. The larger surface area of the sugar crystals increases the amount of time it takes for the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction.The following points explain why a single cube would react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals: A single cube has a much smaller surface area than an equal mass of sugar crystals. The smaller surface area of the single cube allows the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction more quickly. The larger surface area of the sugar crystals increases the amount of time it takes for the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction.In conclusion it is likely that a single cube will react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals due to the larger surface area of the sugar crystals.

Why is it easier to dissolve icing sugar in water that it is to dissolve a sugar lump?

The icing sugar has a greater surface area than the lump and so the reaction occurs more easily with the icing sugar powder. This in general applies to many salts and soluble compounds.

Does the size of sugar affect the speed at which it dissolves in water?

greater surface area to volume ratio greater the rate of dissolution it will dissolve faster if broken into smaller pieces hence smaller = faster

What is coarse sugar?

Coarse sugar is a sugar with greater crystals.

What dissolves quicker in water one gram of cube sugar or one gram of caster sugar?

Caster sugar dissolves quicker in water than cube sugar due to its finer granules and larger surface area, allowing for faster dissolution. Cube sugar, on the other hand, has a more compact structure that takes longer to break down in water.

Does water have greater surface tension than honey?

No, honey has greater surface tension than water. Honey is a viscous liquid with a higher concentration of sugar molecules, which creates stronger intermolecular forces and increases surface tension compared to water.

What factors influence the speed rate which the sugar dissolves?

Factors that influence the speed at which sugar dissolves include temperature (higher temperatures dissolve sugar faster), agitation (stirring or shaking speeds up dissolution), particle size (smaller sugar crystals dissolve faster), and the surface area of sugar exposed to the solvent (greater surface area increases dissolution rate).

Which would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single sugar cube or an equal mass of graduated sugar crystals?

When the granules dimension of a material is lowered the surface area is increased and the reaction rate is higher.

Would a single sugar cube or an equal mass of graduated sugar crystals react more quickly in a chemical reaction?

The same mass of sugar crystals would react more quickly in a chemical reaction compared to a single sugar cube. This is because the increased surface area of the sugar crystals allows for more efficient contact with the reactants, leading to a faster reaction rate.