NEW YORK with a percentage of about 9% more women than men :)
Muscle Dysmorphia, Anorexia Athletica, and Steriod Abuse affect more men than women. Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD) can affect men and women equally.
its about 75 men for 100 women
The ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon can be find out by :Number of men in the University of oregon.number of women in the university of oregon.Then , dividing the number of men : number of women.
49 women to 51 men in people below 18 and its 51 women to 49 men in older then 18
as far as i know women have more upper back pain and pain on shoulders and neck than men, whereas men are prone to lower back pain.
There's no real definitive answer as each person is different, and therefore each person's pain tolerance level is different.
There is no definitive answer to this question as pain tolerance can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. However, some studies suggest that women may have a slightly higher pain threshold than men, while others show no significant difference. Overall, pain perception and tolerance are influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, cultural norms, and individual experiences.
There is no definitive answer to that question, as pain tolerance can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. It is influenced by various factors such as genetics, past experiences, and psychological factors. Both men and women can possess high pain tolerance levels.
Research suggests that women may have a higher pain tolerance and are able to cope with pain differently from men due to biological and psychological factors. Women's pain perception can be influenced by hormonal fluctuations, social conditioning, and cultural expectations. However, pain experiences can vary greatly between individuals regardless of gender.
Naturally men can take more g force then women. To some degree, g-tolerance can be trainable, and there is also considerable variation in innate ability between individuals. In addition, some illnesses, particularly cardiovascular problems, reduce g-tolerance.
There are a variety of reasons that women are more commonly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia than men. One possible reason is that women are more likely to admit to pain and to visit the doctor.
more common in women than in men; it is thought to affect about 14% of adult women worldwide.
wemen should because they can take pain more then men can men might die if they give bith
Men like smart women but smart women tend to be a bit more of a pain in the butt so men often default to the easy ones.
just becuz they do Really? You sound dumb
Women are more likely to experience nausea, shortness of breath and jaw pain. -amk