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Q: Who has named sedimentation coefficient?
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Why prokaryotic ribosome 50s plus 30s equal 70s not 80s?

s stands for sedimentation coefficient defined as how fast a cell organelle sediment in ultra centrifuge . As sedimentation coefficient are not additive so that 50s plus30s is not equal to 80s but it is 70s[prokaryotic]

What is svedberg unit?

The svedberg unit is a measure of sedimentation rate used for particles, typically macromolecules like ribosomes. It is a non-SI unit, representing the sedimentation coefficient of a particle in a centrifugal field during ultracentrifugation. The svedberg unit is named after Theodor Svedberg, a Swedish chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1926 for his work in this area.

What is the suffix for sedimentation?

The suffix for sedimentation is "-tion."

Which sedimentation process forms stalactites?

Which sedimentation process forms stalactites

Who discovered sedimentation?

Sedimentation was discovered by Reuss in 1809. Sedimentation is the suspension of particles that settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained and come to rest against a barrier.

What s a number that is multiplied by a variable?

A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.

What does a chronically high sedimentation rate indicate?

A high sedimentation rate (ESR) indicates inflammation in the body somewhere. The sedimentation rate wil not indicate the cause of the inflammation. However a chronic sedimentation rat can indicate an Autoimmune problem like rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the number factor of a variable called?

The coefficient is in front of a variable.

How is coefficient of determination and coefficient of correlation is related?

coefficient of determination

What does sedimentation?

Sedimentation is the process where particles in suspension can settle out of the fluid where they have been transported, and begin to rest on a barrier.

What would be a good sentence for sedimentation?

Sedimentation is the process where particles settle out of a fluid and accumulate on the bottom of a container or body of water, such as in a sedimentation tank in a wastewater treatment plant.

What is a sentence with the word sedimentation?

Sedimentation is the process by which particles settle out of a liquid or gas and accumulate in layers over time, forming sediment.