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Irfan Ali will become the person with most number of Inventions by single person having 53 inventions at once

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Q: Who has the most number of inventions to their credit?
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Where did Nikola Tesla work on his inventions?

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Did Benjamin Franklin win any awards for his inventions?

Yes, Benjamin Franklin can credit a large amount of his fame to his inventions. His inventions include the glass armonica, bifocals, the long arm, watertight compartments, the lightning rod, and many more.

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Leonardo da Vinci's most famous inventions are the tank,flying machine,and the machine gun

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The credit scale is a ratings system that places a number on credit based on a number of different factors. Most scales start out at around 300 being poor and end up at 850 being perfect.

Did Robert jarvik get credit for his invention?

Did Robert Jarvik get credit for his invention???Yes, in fact, a lot of people think Robert Jarvik got too much credit. He was actually working with a partner, but Jarvik did most of the inventing. Robert Jarvik is known worldwide, and saves lives with his inventions worldwide. Robert Jarvik did get credit for his invention of the artificial heart.

What inventions are most popular these days?

The telephone and internal-combustion engine inventions are quite popular.