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Q: Who hypothesized that the atom was a tiny hard sphere?
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Who described an atom as an indestructible sphere?

atom was described as tiny, hard, indestructible sphere by Newton.

Did Dalton's model of the atom include protons neutrons and electrons inside the the atom?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

Did Daltons model of the atom include protons neutrons and electrons inside the atoms?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

Did John Dalton's model of the atom look like a tiny solid sphere with a predictable mass for a given element?

Yes, John Dalton's model of the atom proposed that atoms were small, solid spheres with predictable mass for each element. He also believed that atoms of different elements had different masses.

Did Dalton's model of the atom include protons?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

What is a tiny particale?

A tiny particle is a very small piece of matter or substance, such as a molecule or atom. These particles are often smaller than can be seen with the naked eye and can be found in the air, water, or soil.

What is a Tiny sphere?

perhaps a "spherule".

What is one of Dalton's theories that has been disproved?

Dalton theorized that an atom was a tiny solid sphere. Today we know that atoms are not solid, in fact are mostly open space.

Who hypothesized that all matter is made up of tiny particle called atom?

According to the theory established beginning with Democritus in 300 BC, and advanced by John Dalton around 1802, all matter is made up of atoms.

Is atom the tiny piece?

its a tiny mouecule

What is the hinky pinky for tiny sphere?

Wee ball.

Did Dalton model of the atoms include protons neutrons and electrons inside the atom?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.