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Q: Who introduced the word Marcentilism?
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How do you spell interdoused?

The likely word is "introduced."

Is the word introduced an abstract or concrete noun?

The word 'introduced' is not a noun. The word 'introduced' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to introduce. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The abstract noun forms of the verb to introduce are introduction and the gerund, introducing.

What is a sentence for the word Introduced?

The producers introduced the star of the movie at its premiere. Using the wrong units of measure has often introduced errors into scientific calculations.

Is this how you spell enterduced?

No, that is not right. There is no such word as "enterduced" in the English language.The correct spelling is introducedFor example:I was introduced to her at a party.We were introduced to the new manager.

Who first introduced the WORD inertia?

Johannes Kepler

Who introduced the word hike to football?

Tom Heisman

When was the first word integer introduced?

It was first introduced around 1890 by Japanese Professors.

Can you make a sentence using the word introduced?

The teacher introduced a new topic in class today that sparked a lot of interesting discussions among the students.

What drama introduced the word robot?

Rossum's Universal Robots

What word can you used instead of introduced?

Some alternative words that can be used instead of "introduced" are: presented, unveiled, initiated, or launched.

Is this sentence correct-' My brother Sam introduced me with his friend Alicia'?

No, the sentence should be: "My brother Sam introduced me to his friend Alicia." Use "to" to show the direction of the introduction.