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The Mayans

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Q: Who introduced zero first?
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Who was the first Mathematician to introduced the zero into the decimal system?

The first mathematician is Arya bhatt.

Why was number zero introduced?

The Babylonians were the first to use the number zero in the 3rd century BC. It was used as a placeholder to signify that there were none of something.

Wireless Zero Configuration is included from which Windows Operating system?

(Q)-Wireless Zero Configuration was first introduced with which operating system? (A)-Windows XP

Which one of the following state government in India introduced zero-base-budget for the first time?

west bengal

What was the date that zero was introduced?

700 bc

When was the Coke Zero first produced?

IT was introduced in 2009 may

What is the connection between the Muslims and the idea of zero?

The Muslims introduced the idea of zero to Europe.

Who introduced zero group in periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev introduced the concept of zero group in the periodic table. He left a gap in the table for elements that were not yet discovered, which later came to be known as the zero group.

Which ancient people is generallycredited with the invention of the zero?

The Babylonians were first to think about the concept within their system, but the Indians introduced it as a number as we know it today.

First state of India to introduced zero base budget?

zero was introduce by the country india and it is originate form the state call manipur. u can ring me up in this number for further investigation 09774237992

Does zero count as a number?

Yes - the concept of a zero in the list of counting numbers was introduced in around 628AD.

Is there a number 0 in roman numerals?

The Romans did not have the number 0 (zero) in their mathematical system. It wasn't until the 9th century that zero was introduced into any mathematical system. It is thought to have happened first in India. Zero has been called "the last number accepted universally by mathematicians."