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The 0 figure had its origins from the ancient Indian system of numeracy which was later called the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

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Q: Who introduced zero in the number system?
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Related questions

How did India invent that number system?

India did not invent the number system. Indian mathematicians introduced the concept of zero. This was a key development that led to our number system which is based on place-values.

Is there a number 0 in roman numerals?

The Romans did not have the number 0 (zero) in their mathematical system. It wasn't until the 9th century that zero was introduced into any mathematical system. It is thought to have happened first in India. Zero has been called "the last number accepted universally by mathematicians."

When was the number zero introduced into the decimal system?

Because they needed something to represent nothing, so came up with 0.

Which ancient people is generallycredited with the invention of the zero?

The Babylonians were first to think about the concept within their system, but the Indians introduced it as a number as we know it today.

Who used a number system with a symbol for zero?

The Mayans were the only civilization to have a zero in their number system The zero was a shell.

What is the importance of zero in number system?

zero is the very important in number system because zero is the center on number line without zero we cannot place minus or plus

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Does zero count as a number?

Yes - the concept of a zero in the list of counting numbers was introduced in around 628AD.

Why was number zero introduced?

The Babylonians were the first to use the number zero in the 3rd century BC. It was used as a placeholder to signify that there were none of something.

Is there a symbol for zero in the Egyptian number system?

There is no known mathematical symbol for zero in the ancient Egyptian number system.

Who was the first Mathematician to introduced the zero into the decimal system?

The first mathematician is Arya bhatt.

Which innovative discussion process is introduced by the Indian parliament to the world parliamentary system?

Zero hour is the innovative discussion process introduced by the Indian parliament to the world parliamentary system.