

Best Answer

I don't think no one discovered that before. I never thought of that! Good question!

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Q: Who invented large numbers?
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Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers.

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I do not know who invented it, but i do know why. When scientists are talking in large numbers like light years and the vast distances in between the galaxies they need a shorter way to write it.

When was the Egyptian numbers invented?

7003 yrs ago thats when the egyptian numbers were invented

What country invented the numbers from1to10?

There isnt one country who invented all the numbers.

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They were not invented, they just "are".

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it was invented to count numbers

What are names of large numbers?

Obviously "large numbers"