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Henry fox talbot

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Q: Who invented negative-positive process photography?
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Was the man that invented photography from France?

Nicéphore Niépce invented the process around 1826. He was French.

How did digital photography come about?

How did digital photography come about? In 1963 at Stanford University a student invented a videodisk camera. A picture could be stores on a disk for several minutes. E#ventually the process was refined.

What did Daguerre invent?

Louis Daguerre invented a type of photography called the daguerrotype.

Who invented Victorian photography?

Anita Lay

Which country did photography originate from?

It was invented in Europe

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What is the process of taking pictures?


What is the modern definition of photography?

The modern definition of photography is the process of producing images. This also includes, the process of taking or producing a photo.

Which company invented instant film?

Polaroid Photography

What is the process of taking photographs called?


What process is the basis for modern photography?


Who invented the Calotype process?

William Henry Fox Talbot is credited with inventing the Calotype process in the 1830s. This process involved using a paper negative to create multiple positive prints, making it a precursor to modern photography.