If it was one individual, his name is lost in antiquity. Much more likely, it was
developed by a series of individuals over a great length of time. The purpose
was to gain the ability to use math to solve problems.
Direct Modeling; the use of manipulatives and drawings along with counting to represent directly the meaning of a story or problem, is the step that usually precedes invented strategies.
I think it would be pretty safe to say he invented the Venn Diagram
Well There are many problem-solving techniques but the one's that are going to help you are the ones where you choose to be Involved. Math techniques also help you in life.-Taylor Ellen Marie Erikson
Some of games are designed to develop math skills. otherwise they are just good for your mind. Meaning that almost all of the games have some sort of problem-solving aspect to it.
Describe how you exhibit effective problem solving skills?
hE invEnTed THe vEnn DiaGrAm ,,
sample of problem solving
Archimedes was killed by the Romans while solving a math problem.
it is the ability to solve math problems Math problems solving means generate some specific answers to the given problem.
I like mathematics, but I am bad at problem solving. Engineers are good at mathematics and problem solving.
What is mean by acting
The level of consciousness you are using when solving a math's problem may be referred to as esoteric. This is only understood by a small group that have a special interest.
what are the basic steps of problem solving in algebra and what are the importance of following these steps when presented in a problem.
When the correct answer is a quotient.
When solving a math problem
It means that you don't look at it anymore. It makes the math problem easier.