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Its first known appearance was in the early 20th century. A man named Herman Minkowski proposed the idea while stuying Euclid's postulates.

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Q: Who invented taxicab geometry?
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What should the value of pi be in taxicab geometry?

The value of pi in taxicab geometry technically does not exist as any taxicab shape would consist of right angles. A circle does not contain any right angles, therefore circles do not exist in taxicab geometry (so neither does the value pi).However, if you were to place a square around a circle with diameter 1, where each side is a tangent to the circle and then removed the corners of the square repeatedly without ever removing any or the area of the circle (see Figure 1), the value of 'pi' in that case would be 4 (as pi = diameter/circumference (or in this case perimeter)).Figure 1Here the problem arises, as perimeter and circumference are not exactly the same thing. Circumference only pertains to a circle (and circles do not exist in taxicab geometry) whereas perimeter pertains to any geometric shape (whether in taxicab geometry or Euclidean geometry).

What are the three types of geometry?

There are more than three types, although 2 main types are Euclidean and Taxicab Geometry

Where was geometry invented?


Why was geometry invented?

It was invented to solve the purpose of naming a point.

Did Isaac Newton invent geometry?

No. He invented calculus. He did, however, study geometry.

When was geometry invented?

Geometry was first studied in the 3rd century B.C. by Euclid.

How was the Geometry invented?

ask jeeves

Who invented plane geometry?


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Who invented hyperbolic geometry?


When was geomerty invented?

Geometry was not really invented. There is a long history of the early discoveries in geometry. I will provide you with a reference.

Did the Egyptians invent chemistry?

No, they invented geometry.