Mathematical concepts such as decimals are discovered or developed, rather than invented.
Decimals appear to have been introduced around the 1500s, but not in their current form. Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin is credited with the development of modern decimals. This was seen in a booklet he published in 1585, entitled De Thiende which translates to 'the art of tenths'. Its complete title was Decimal arithmetic: Teaching how to perform all computations whatsoever by whole numbers without fractions, by the four principles of common arithmetic: namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The decimal point was invented by John Napier.
The decimal point was invented between 1550 and 1617.
India invented the use of the 0 as a place holder and so the decimal system.
It was not discovered but invented.
to do point numbers.
Hindus of India
A mathematician named Simon Stevin invented the decimal point in the late 1500s. Stevin was from the Flemish population of Belgium.
I have the same exact question:(
Melvil Dewey
Melvil Dewey
Melvil Dewy