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Q: Who invented the differential?
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Who invented the differential gear?

The watchmakerOnésiphore Pecqueur invented the differential gear.

Who invented the differential ebuliometer?

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Who invented the ordinary differential equations?

Olusola Akinyele

Who invented differential equations?

Differential equations were invented separately by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. This debate on who was the first one to invent it was argued by both Isaac and Gottfried until their death.

Who invented the Windlass?

The Chinese, or differential, windlass was invented in 1582.

Who was invented the integral and differential for maths?

sir ayad suphi mohammad

What math did katherine A okikiolu invented?

She is known for her work with elliptical differential operators.

What did the Chinese do?

Invented gunpowder, paper as we know it today, the compass, printing, golf, and differential gears, to name a few things.

What has the author P Quittner written?

P. Quittner has written: 'Superlinear parabolic problems' -- subject(s): Differential equations, Elliptic, Differential equations, Parabolic, Differential equations, Partial, Elliptic Differential equations, Parabolic Differential equations, Partial Differential equations

What has the author George Francis Denton Duff written?

George Francis Denton Duff has written: 'Partial differential equations' -- subject(s): Differential equations, Partial, Partial Differential equations 'Differential equations of applied mathematics' -- subject(s): Differential equations, Differential equations, Partial, Mathematical physics, Partial Differential equations

What has the author J L Blue written?

J. L Blue has written: 'B2DE' -- subject(s): Computer software, Differential equations, Elliptic, Differential equations, Nonlinear, Differential equations, Partial, Elliptic Differential equations, Nonlinear Differential equations, Partial Differential equations

Does a 2009 dodge 4x4 have a front slip differential?

The front differential is an "open" differential. No limited slip components there.