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It is not a question of invention. The procedure follows from the fact that a decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right.

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Q: Who invented the idea of extending decimal places to right of the decimal point?
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Who invented the idea of extending decimal places to the right of the decimal point and when?

I have the same exact question:(

Who invented the decimal point?

The decimal point was invented by John Napier.

When was the Decimal point invented?

The decimal point was invented between 1550 and 1617.

what decimals and percents have in common?

A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.

Why was the decimal point invented?

to do point numbers.

How to convert the decimal percentage no to number system?

Move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting 0s if required.Move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting 0s if required.Move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting 0s if required.Move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting 0s if required.

How do you move 2 decimal places?

You actually move the decimal point two places.

What does multiplying a decimal number by 100 do to the decimal point?

It moves the decimal point two places to the right.

How many places do you have to move the decimal point to multiply a decimal number by 1000?

Three. Count number of zeros. If multiply decimal by 100 move decimal point 2 places, etc.

What is 009766 rounded to 3 decimal places?

As there is no decimal point in your set of numbers it is impossible to round it to three decimal places.

How can you multiply by a decimal by 1000?

Move the decimal point three places to the right.

What country invented the decimal point?

A mathematician named Simon Stevin invented the decimal point in the late 1500s. Stevin was from the Flemish population of Belgium.