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The Indians invented the modern number system. It is often called Arabic numerals because it came to Europe through the Arabs. But Arabs themselves call it as "HindSaa" meaning - "given by Hindus or Indians". The Persians copied the Indian number system and then passed it on to the Arabs. Then an Italian mathematician named Fibonacci traveled to Algeria to study. When he came back home, he brought the Indian numerals with him. He wrote about the system in his book "Liber Abaci." This system soon gained wide acceptance throughout Europe. Today it is the number system used in practically the whole world.

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The very first number system was tallys.Tallying system have no complex system or place values it was just a line.So tallying was a simple system.

A couple of ancient civilization invevented the number system.No one knows what civilization.The oldest system was the Mayan system with 60 at it base,around the 3400 B.C.The Egyptian invented a 10 base system in 3100 B.C. The modern place value system.Then after that India made place value number

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āˆ™ 10y ago
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āˆ™ 15y ago

Quote from "The first known use of numbers dates back to around 30000 BC when tally marks were used by Paleolithic peoples."

Our counting system, the so-called "Arabic" system, was actually invented in India, then borrowed and popularised by the Arabs.

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