The Babylonians
no on 60
The Babylonians had not discovered fractions and 60 is a fairly low number which can be factorised by many numbers which made it useful.
Those people dealt with the sexadecimal matemathical system which use a 60 digit base. with that they could keep track of time.
Many ancient cultures had not invented fractions in their number system. The number 60 was chosen because it have many factors. We use relics of it today when reading the time. 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour.
The Babylonians
The Sumerians of Mesopotamia, they developed cuneiform. They also invented the wheel and a number system based on 60.
This phenomenon is because of the Chinese who invented the degree system used a number system based on six, instead of ours which is based on ten. 360 is 6 * 60. This measurement fit nicely with their number base.Later mathematicians invented the radian system, in which a circle has π radians. This works nicely with many trigonometric ratios and functions.
The Sumerians developed a number system based on the unit 60, which was called sexegesimal numeric system. It was also used by the Babylonians.
Our 60-minute hour, 60- minute time, and 360- degree circle
no on 60
The Babylonians had not discovered fractions and 60 is a fairly low number which can be factorised by many numbers which made it useful.
100. This system is still used today. (PRESENT) 60. (PAST)
This base 60 number system was used in 1800b.c
Their number system was based on the number our is based on the number 10.They used this when they came up with 60 minutes in an hour and 360 degrees ina circle.We still use these divisions today.