i think a good answer would be Ramanujan , the world famous Indian mathematician.
According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory, Albert Einstein had a Logical-Mathematical intelligence.
Thinking or logical - mathematical intelligence is the main attribute the ability to process very easy logical problems or mathematical equations (or an Intelligence Test Are you a person with impeccable logic?! That can make connections between events, dates, events without much trouble. Therefore you can easily recognize which are the weaknesses of a system of any nature would have it, when come up with solutions for solve them. Not only can you easily store data, numbers and algorithms, but very easily notice patterns and logical connections around your mind functioning on the principle of cause and effect.Thinking - this movement of thought that reveals the connection that leads from the individual to the general and from the general to the individual. Thinking - this is mediated - based on the discovery of connections, relationships, mediations -and a generalized knowledge of objective reality. Up to `80 logical-mathematical intelligence was considered the most important type of intelligence the "pure intellect" considered central and modernization advance western culture, largely because it is at base of the most important discoveries took place- over the centuries.
it is the logical "opposite" of a mathematical statement
lert hemisphere
Stermberg uses the application of the cognitive perspective to intelligence. (empathizes on how people use their intelligence not the amount). His triachic theory of human intelligence consists of three parts: the contextual, experimental, and the componential sub-theories. He argues that intelligence is a culturally defined concept. He asserts that different manifestations of intelligent behavior are valued in different context.Gardner argues that to assess intelligence in a truly general sense, tests should sample from a wider range of tasks. According to Gardner, IQ tests have generally emphasized verbal and mathematical skills to the exclusion of other important skills. He suggests the existence of a number of relatively autonomous human intelligence. Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Body-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist.Psychology: Themes and Variations; Second Canadian Edition Pp. 359-401
university of phonix
According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory, Albert Einstein had a Logical-Mathematical intelligence.
what do the word logical mathematical mean
The eight skills of related intelligence are linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence. These skills reflect an individual's abilities in various areas such as language, reasoning, creativity, and understanding oneself and others.
The theory of multiple intelligence was propounded by Howard Gardner in 1983. Gardner proposed that intelligence is not a single, fixed trait, but rather a combination of different types of intelligences, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, and spatial intelligence, among others.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: This type of intelligence involves reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Interpersonal Intelligence: This type of intelligence relates to understanding and interacting effectively with others, as well as being socially aware and empathetic.
Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, which includes 9 different types: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential. Each type represents a different way in which individuals can demonstrate intelligence.
Logical-Mathematical Linguistic Kinesthetic Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical Naturalist Among the great personalities of the world have shown that such thinking we can list on Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Archimedes. Intelligence is one highly prized characteristics but also very difficult to measure and to evaluate. Of course, various techniques have been developed to measure IQ, but they fail to fully capture this potential and the degree to which it was developed. Much more is encountered and calculated the logical - mathematical intelligence, another 7 (or more) are just ignored. According to research done by psychologist Howard Gardner of Harvard University there are eight types of intelligence: 1. Linguistic intelligence 2. Logical-Mathematical intelligence 3. Musical intelligence 4. Bodily- kinesthetic intelligence 5. Spatial intelligence 6. Interpersonal intelligence 7. Intrapersonal intelligence 8. Natural intelligence Psychologist Hovard Gardner made extensivs studies for differents subjects how can be genius, talented people who have suffered the demage of brain - they are called idiot savants, experts from differents professions and people with different culture.
Thinking or logical - mathematical intelligence is the main attribute the ability to process very easy logical problems or mathematical equations (or an Intelligence Test Are you a person with impeccable logic?! That can make connections between events, dates, events without much trouble. Therefore you can easily recognize which are the weaknesses of a system of any nature would have it, when come up with solutions for solve them. Not only can you easily store data, numbers and algorithms, but very easily notice patterns and logical connections around your mind functioning on the principle of cause and effect.Thinking - this movement of thought that reveals the connection that leads from the individual to the general and from the general to the individual. Thinking - this is mediated - based on the discovery of connections, relationships, mediations -and a generalized knowledge of objective reality. Up to `80 logical-mathematical intelligence was considered the most important type of intelligence the "pure intellect" considered central and modernization advance western culture, largely because it is at base of the most important discoveries took place- over the centuries.
There isn't a universally recognized symbol for each intelligence and learning style. However, some commonly used symbols include a lightbulb for visual learners, a musical note for auditory learners, hands-on activities for kinesthetic learners, and a brain for logical-mathematical intelligence.
1.)Naturalist intelligence ("NATURE SMART") 2.)Musical intelligence("MUSICAL SMART") 3.)Logical-Mathematical intelligences("NUMBER\REASONING SMART") 4.)Existential intelligence 5.)Interpersonal intelligence(PEOPLE SMART) 6.)Bodily-kinesthic intelligence(BODY SMART) 7.)Linguistic intelligence(WORLD SMART) 8.)intrapersonal intelligence(SELF SMART) 9.)Spatial intelligence (PICTURE SMART) BY:leoreelai manalili catayong........... tnx.. :)
i don't known i asked first