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Dislocation of the kneecap is most common in young girls between the ages of 10-14. I

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Q: Who is kneecap dislocation common in?
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Is kneecap area is patellar area?


Distinguish between sessile dislocation and glissile dislocation?

A sessiledislocation has a Burger's Vector that does not lie in the primary slip plane of the crystal, so it is immobile offering an obstacle to the movement of other dislocations.A glissile dislocation has Burger's Vector that does not lie in the primary slip plane of the crystal and thus is able to move in that plane.Dislocation that can move by pure slip are called Glissle.Dislocation which cannot glide, but have to move by some form of mass transport are called sessile.In crystals, the dislocation core spreads to certain crystallographic planes containing the dislocation line. If the core spreads into one of such planes, the core is planer and is glissile.If the core spreads into several non-parallel planes of the zone of dislocation line, it is non-planar and sessile. In the former case dislocation moves easily in the plane of the core spreading, while in the later case, it moves only with difficulty. Shockley partial is a partial dislocation, the Burger vector of which lies in the plane of the fault. Then, Shockley partials are glissile. A Frank partial is a partial dislocation, the Burgers vector of which is not parallel to the fault. Then, Frank partials are sessile.

What is the difference between any two successive terms in a arithmetic sequence?

It is the "common difference".It is the "common difference".It is the "common difference".It is the "common difference".

What is a synonym for common denominator?

A few synonyms for common denominator are , common divisor, common measure, denominator, numerator

How do you find the most common multiple?

There is no "most common multiple". To find all common multiples, you start by finding the least common multiple. All other common multiples are multiples of this least common multiple.

Related questions

How do you identify a dislocation?

You can usually tell by simply looking at it. For instance, if your kneecap is pointing sideways, you dislocated it, and are likely bawling your eyes out.

What is the most common type of dislocation?

Hip joint dislocation

What is a common names of patella?

The patella is better known as the knee cap.

How is the patella more commonly known?

Kneecap is a common name of the patella.

What do you call the underneath the kneecap?

The area underneath the kneecap is called the patellar, or the patellar tendon.

How do you spell kneecap?

You have spelled it correctly, kneecap. A kneecap is the patella.

What is a subluxated knee?

A subluxated knee occurs when the kneecap partially dislocates from its normal position in the knee joint. This can cause pain, instability, and difficulty moving the knee. Treatment may include rest, physical therapy, or in severe cases, surgery.

What is the purpose of kneecap removal?

When the kneecap is fractured or shattered. When the kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. When degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

When is kneecap removal performed?

The kneecap is fractured or shattered. The kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. Degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

Why does your knee cap need to be protected?

The kneecap needs to be protected to reduce the risk of injury that may have long-term effects.Your kneecap (patella) is one of four bones that make up the knee joint.Femur (thigh bone)Tibia (shin bone)Fibula (outer shin bone)Patella (kneecap)3 Most Common Injuries to the kneecap:Chondromalacia Patellae is the most common disorder that occurs from irritation of cartilage on the undersurface of the kneecap. Known as "Runner's Knee."Prepatellar Bursitis is swelling over the front of the knee. Often caused by extensive kneeling.Patellar Subluxation/Dislocation is where the patella does not track evenly within its groove on the femur.2 Ways To Protect the Kneecap:Proper training, develop strong muscles to help support the knee. Strong and flexible quadriceps and hamstrings reduce the risk of injury.Proper equipment, the correct footwear will reduce the risk of injury (less chance of twisting and relieves stress from joint). While properly fitting padding will help keep your kneecap safe in sporting events.

Does the kneecap have a nickname?

'kneecap' IS the nickname (for patella)

What is the kneecap medical term?

"Patella" is another name for the kneecap. "Patellar" means pertaining to the kneecap.