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Q: Who is responsible for terminating Sensitive Compartmented Information access?
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What is sensitive compartmented information?

Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) is a category of classified information in the United States that requires additional handling and protection due to its sensitivity and the potential risk to national security if disclosed. Access to SCI is restricted to individuals with specific security clearances and a need-to-know basis.

What does the security level ts sci mean?

The security level known as TS SCI is fully known as top secret sensitive compartmented information. Typically this means that the information is tightly controlled and the number of people with access is very limited.

What is a TS SCI clearance?

TS-SCI clearance is a grade of Security Code clearance in the US Department of Defense. TS-SCI is an abbreviation (acronyms are different) that stands for Top Secret - Sensitive Compartmented Information.

What is a TS-SCI clearance?

TS-SCI clearance is a grade of Security Code clearance in the US Department of Defense. TS-SCI is an abbreviation (acronyms are different) that stands for Top Secret - Sensitive Compartmented Information.

What level of classification is applied to US classified information?

There are three levels of classification used for US classified information: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. Additional access controls may be applied within these levels, such as Special Access Programs (SAP) or Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).

What were the plumbers responsible for?

stopping leaks of sensitive information to the pressProtect the health of the nationPrevention rather then a cure

How long does a TS SCI last?

A Top Secret (TS) security clearance with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) access typically lasts for five years. However, the clearance must be re-investigated every five years to ensure the individual still meets the eligibility criteria for access to classified information.

When are you responsible for safeguarding sensitive information?

Think about it for a moment: you have the clearance, you've had the security briefings. The information is in your head. You have no reason to discuss it or anything related to it with anyone other than mission personnel. So, you are responsible for safeguarding sensitive information, classified or otherwise, 24/7 three hundred sixty-five days a year.

What is scif clearance?

"SCIF clearance" refers to having the necessary security clearance and "need-to-know" to be present in a SCIF without it being "sanitized" prior to entry and without escort. SCIF is an acronym used by the US military to refer to a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. Typically access to such a facility requires a TS/SCI (top-secret special compartmented information) clearance specifically for the SCI (Sensitive Comparmented Information) being processed within the facility. SCI is not a "classification" so it is actually possible for information to be SCI but classified at the Secret or even Confidential level, although this is much less common than for Top-Secret information. SCI is based on the principle of "need-to-know" rather than the degree of damage that would occur if the information was disclosed (which is how Confidential, Secret, and Top-Secret classifications are assigned).

What is dodd 8500.01e?

Establishes minimum security requirements for systems processing sensitive compartmented information (SCI), requires layering of approaches for IA and management of interconnected systems to minimize risk, and establishes mission assurance categories to reflect the importance of information relative to DoD goals. DOES NOT mandate identification and inclusion of IA requirements for information systems in accordance with OMB Circular A-130.

What is responsible classification?

Responsible classification involves categorizing information or data in a way that respects privacy, security, and ethical considerations. It ensures that sensitive or personal information is handled appropriately and protected from unauthorized access or misuse. Responsible classification is important for maintaining trust, compliance with regulations, and upholding ethical standards in data management.