The divisor is the number your dividing by, for an example (345 divided 8), 8 is the divisor. For another example as (2348 divided by 56), 56 is the divisor.
is 2 divisor of 64
A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.
Divisible is the other word for Divisor.
a divisor
No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.
Divisor=Divided÷Quotient Divisor=12÷4 Divisor= 3
a divisor of a number
It is 1/divisor.
It is: 0 degrees centigrade that is warmest
Divisor: the number by which a dividend is divided Dividend: a number to be divided
Around -273 centigrade.
Dividend : Divisor = Quotient
the divisor is the number your dividing into.
The Fahrenheit equivalent to zero degrees Centigrade is 32. Centigrade is another name for Celsius, and zero Celsius is the same as zero centigrade.
The divisor is the number your dividing by, for an example (345 divided 8), 8 is the divisor. For another example as (2348 divided by 56), 56 is the divisor.