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Q: Who is the founder of percentage?
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Can a founder take a percentage of the company's yearly profit?

That depends on how he arranges the company, and who else is involved, and what legal agreements there are, but theoretically, yes.

What is a founder in AQW?

he said what is a founder not who is a founder. A founder is a person who helped create the game

Who is the founder of Hinduism?

There is no founder of Hinduism.

Who is Shintos founder?

no founder

Who was the founder of Cyprus?

There was no founder

What is founder in Tagalog?

Tagalog Translation of FOUNDER: nagtatag

How would you use the word founder in a sentence?

The founder decided to sell his company.I am the founder of this corporation.

Who is the founder of integers?

who is founder of integers

Who is the founder of Kansas?

I have no idea is the founder

Who was the founder of animism?

There is no founder of Animism.

Who was the founder of santeria religion?

There is no founder.

Who is shintoism's founder?

It dosent have a founder