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George Cantor.

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Q: Who is the founder of set theory and concept of infinite and cardinal numbers?
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Related questions

What is the sign for a never-ending number?

"never-ending number" is ambiguous. You could either mean an infinite number, or an irrational number. For infinite numbers, you could use the Hebrew letter Aleph - which is used to represent the cardinal numbers of infinite sets of finite numbers. For irrational numbers, as far as I know there is no commonly accepted symbol to represent them.

Is infinidy a real number?

Infinity is not a number, it is an idea, or a concept. There are an infinite amount of numbers, but infinity is not one of them.

What is cardinal numbers backwards?

They are still cardinal numbers.

How many even numbers are there?

It is infinite. Infinite since numbers are infinite.

Are numbers infinite?

yes numbers are infinite.......... ^_^

Why is infinity minus infinity undefined?

Infinity is a concept, not an actual number. Someone may say the number of stars is infinite, or that the number of fractions between 0 and 1 is infinite, or that the number of even numbers is infinite. But these are not things that can be subtracted.

Which number can divided by 3 without leaving a remainder?

The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three.

What is the similarity between cardinal and ordinal numbers?

Normally ordinal numbers refer to positive positions. Cardinal numbers are negative, zero or positive.

Why is pie infinite?

because numbers are infinite

Are numbers that put things in order called cardinal numbers?

Cardinal numbers are one, two, three, four, ... Ordinal numbers are first, second, third, fourth, ...

Is 66 a cardinal number?

Yes - cardinal numbers are the counting numbers. This is as distinct from ordinal numbers - the corresponding ordinal number for 66 is sixty-sixth.

Are infinite numbe rationals?

Yes. There are infinite whole numbers, and whole numbers are rational.